Yellow Wheel’s 2017 Major Season

The People’s Dance


The People’s Dance began with ten questions aimed at identifying how any particular person would make a dance work, and what they would make it about. Our dancers then took the questions to the streets to interview the general public. We ended up connecting with 32 people from 16 cities and 9 countries, and created a snap shot of the kind of dance works the public wanted.

The gamut of ideas was vast, with everything from concerns about racism, celebrity trash, screen addiction, gender equality and the story of E.T. The dancers, together with choreographer Adam Wheeler, discussed which concepts resonated with them the strongest, and what other concepts could be paired up or combined.

The final result was the presentation of all of the ideas within five interactive pods. Each pod had a central concept, with every decision being inspired by the 32 people we interviewed, as well as interviews conducted with family and close friends.

The People’s Dance was a hilarious, tumultuous, and highly interactive evening of dance (and more) presented at Chunky Move.

Quark was supported by The Besen Family Foundation, Lucy Guerin Inc, and Chunky Move.

Photos by Paul Malek


Artistic Director
Adam Wheeler

Company Manager
Joshua Lowe

Adam Wheeler

Adam & The Dancers

Pod Realization
The Dancers

Set & Graphic Design
Aimee Schollum

Lighting Design & Production Management
Sam Cuthbertson

Production Assistant
Luke Cations

Skin Scribble Concept

Abigail Benham-Bannon, Aishlyn Trusler, Bonnie Sampson, Charlie Lloyd, Charlotte Sans, Cora Hughes, Dora Zacharis, Ebony Smith, Eiren Chamley, Eugenie English, Giselle Graham, Jenn Ma, Luke Romero, Maddi Cushion, Nuala Rooney, Patrick O'Luanaigh, Rachel Mackie, Rae Franco, Shaira Slater, Shani Glenn-Ward, Siobhan Henderson and Zetta Fusinato.